brake sensor Seat Arona 2018 Owner's Manual

Page 178 of 316

Starter button* Fig. 176
In the lower part of the centre con-
so l
e: s
tarter button. Fig. 177
On the right of the steering column:
emer gency

start. The vehicle engine can be started with a

ter button (Press & Drive). To do so, there
must be a valid key inside the vehicle in the
area of the front or rear seats. Opening the driver's door
when exitin
g the
vehicle activates the electronic lock on the
steering column if the ignition is disabled.
Switching the ignition on/off manually
Briefly push the starter button without touch-
ing the brake or clutch pedal ››› .
F or

ehicles with both manual and automatic
transmission, the starter button text START ENGINE STOP flashes like a heartbeat
when the sy s

em is preset for switching the
ignition on and off.
Automatic ignition switch-off
If the driver leaves the vehicle, taking the ve-
hicle key with them but leaving the ignition
on, the ignition is not switched off automati-
cally. The ignition is switched off automati-
cally by pressing the lock button on the re-
mote control  or manually by pressing the
sensor surface on the door lever ››› Fig. 143
Emergency starting function
If no valid key is detected inside the vehicle,
an emergency start-up will be required. The
relevant message will appear in the dash
panel display. This may happen when, for ex-
ample, the battery of the vehicle key button
is very low or flat:
● Immediately after pushing the starter but-
ton, k eep the

vehicle key next to the right trim of the steering column
Fig. 177, as
close as possible to the Kessy logo.
● The ignition connects and the engine starts
Emergency disconnection
If the engine does not switch off after briefly
pressing the starter button, an emergency
disconnect will be required:
● Press the starter button twice within 3 sec-
onds or pr
ess it once for more than 1 sec-
ond ››› .
● The engine turns off automatically.
En gine r

start feature
If no valid key is detected inside the vehicle
after the engine stops, you will only have 5
seconds to restart it. A warning will display
on the dash panel screen.
After this interval, it will not be possible to
start the engine without a valid key inside
the vehicle.
Automatic deactivation of the ignition on ve-
hicles with the Start-Stop system
The ignition is switched off automatically
when the vehicle is stopped and the auto-
matic engine shutdown is active, if:
● The driver's seat belt is not fastened,
● the driver does not step on any pedal,

Page 186 of 316

the 
 button and the

System function buttons.
You should switch on the ESC Sport mode on-
ly if the tr

affic conditions and your driving
ability allow you to do so safely: risk of skid-
● With ESC in Sport mode, the stabilising
function w
ill be limited to allow for a sportier
drive. The driving wheels could spin and the
vehicle could skid. Note
If the ASR is disconnected or the ESC’s Sport
mode is sel

ected, cruise control* will be
switched off. Electronic differential lock (EDS)*
The EDL operates along with the ABS in vehi-

s equipped with Electronic Stability Con-
trol (ESC)*.
EDL helps the vehicle to start moving, accel-
erate and climb a gradient in slippery condi-
tions where this may otherwise be difficult or
even impossible.
It uses the ABS sensors to monitor the speed
of the driven wheels.
At speeds of up to approximately 80 km/h
(50 mph), it is able to balance out differences in the speed of the driven wheels of approxi-

100 rpm/min caused by a partially
slippery road surface. It does this by braking
the wheel which has lost traction and distrib-
uting more driving force to the other driven
wheel via the differential.
To prevent the disc brake of the braking
wheel from overheating, the EDL cuts out au-
tomatically if subjected to excessive loads.
The vehicle will continue to function normally
without EDL. For this reason, the driver is not
informed that the EDL has been switched off.
The EDL will switch on again automatically
when the brake has cooled down.
Control lamp
A malfunction in the EDL is indicated by the
ESC control lamp . Take the vehicle to a
specialised workshop as soon as possible. WARNING
● When acc el

erating on a slippery surface,
for example on ice and snow, press the accel-
erator carefully. Despite EDL, the driven
wheels may start to spin. This could impair
the vehicle's stability.
● Always adapt your driving style to suit road
and the traffic situation. Do not let
the extra safety afforded by EDL tempt you in-
to taking any risks when driving, this can
cause accidents. CAUTION
Modifications to the vehicle (e.g. to the en-
gine, the brak e sy

stem, running gear or any
components affecting the wheels and tyres)
could affect the efficiency of the EDL
››› page 259. Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA)*
The function (Hydraulic Brake Assist HBA) is

luded in vehicles with ESC.
In an emergency, most drivers brake in time,
but not with maximum force. This results in
unnecessarily long braking distances.
This is when the brake assist system comes
into action. When pressing the brake pedal
rapidly, the assistant interprets it as an emer-
gency. It very quickly builds up the full brake
pressure so that the ABS can be activated
more quickly and efficiently, thus reducing
braking distance.
Do not reduce the pressure on the brake ped-
al, since the brake assist system switches off
automatically as soon as you release the
Automatic hazard warning lights activation
The brake lights flash automatically to indi-
cate that the vehicle is braking suddenly or in
an emergency situation. If the emergency
braking continues until the vehicle comes to

Page 188 of 316

● Before opening the bonnet, read and ob-
serve the warnings ››› page 273, Working in
the engine compartment.
● If the br
ake system warning lamp  should
light up together with the ABS warning lamp
, stop the vehicle immediately and check
the brake fluid level in the reservoir
››› page 280, Brake fluid. If the brake fluid

el has dropped below the “MIN” mark you
must not drive on. Risk of accident. Obtain
technical assistance.
● If the brake fluid level is correct, the fault in
the brake system may have been caused by a
failure of the ABS system. This could cause
the rear wheels to lock quickly when you
brake. This could cause the rear to break
away. Risk of skidding. Stop the vehicle and
seek technical assistance. Electronic differential lock (XDS)*
When taking a curve, the driveshaft differen-
tial mechanism allows the outer wheel to turn
at a higher speed than the inner wheel. In
this way, the wheel that is turning faster (out-
er wheel) receives less drive torque than the
inner wheel. This may mean that in certain
situations the torque delivered to the inner
wheel is too high, causing the wheels to
spin. On the other hand, the outer wheel is
receiving a lower drive torque than it could
transmit. This causes an overall loss of lateral grip on the front axle, resulting in understeer
or “lengthening” of the trajectory.
The XDS system can detect and correct this
effect via the sensors and signals of the ESC.
Via the ESC, the XDS will brake the inside
wheel and counter the excess driving torque
of that wheel. This means that the driver's
desired trajectory is much more precise.
The XDS system works in combination with
the ESC and is always active, even when ASR
traction control is disconnected or the ESC is
in Sport mode.
Mul t
-collision Brake In an accident, the multi-collision brake can
help the driver by braking to avoid the risk of
skidding during the accident, which could
lead to further collisions.
The multi-collision brake works for front, side
or rear accidents, when the airbag control
unit records its activation level and the acci-
dent takes place at a speed of over 10 km/h
(6 mph). The ESC automatically brakes the
vehicle, as long as the accident has not dam-
aged the ESC, the brake hydraulics or the on-
board network
The following actions control automatic brak-
ing during the accident:●
When the driver presses the accelerator,
the automatic braking does not take place.
● When the braking pressure through press-
ing the brake pedal is greater than the sys-
tem’s braking pressure the vehicle will brake
● Multi-collision braking will not be available
if ESC is malfunctioning.
Brake servo The brake servo increases the pressure you
apply to the brake pedal. It works
only when
the engine is running .
If the brake servo is not functioning, e.g. due
to a malfunction, or if the vehicle is being
towed, you will have to press the brake pedal
considerably harder to make up for the lack
of servo assistance. WARNING
The braking distance can also be affected by
external factors.
● Never let the vehicle coast with the engine
switched off. Failure to follow this instruction
could result in an accident. The braking dis-
tance is increased considerably when the
brake servo is not active.
● If the brake servo is not working, for exam-
ple when the vehicle is being towed, you will
have to press the brake pedal considerably
harder than normal. 186 *

Page 206 of 316

Additional information about vehicles with
Ad aptiv
e C
ruise Control (ACC)
In vehicles with ACC function, the engine will
start up again in certain operating conditions
if the radar sensor detects that the vehicle
ahead drives off again. Note
● In v ehic

les with an automatic gearbox, you
can control whether the engine should switch
off or not by reducing or increasing the brake
force applied. While the vehicle remains stop-
ped, the engine will not stop if the brake ped-
al is slightly pressed, in traffic jams with fre-
quent stopping and starting for example. As
soon as strong pressure is applied to the
brake pedal, the engine will stop.
● In vehicles with manual gearbox, during
the stop
ping phases the brake pedal must re-
main depressed to prevent the vehicle from
● If the engine “stalls” in vehicles with man-
ual g
earbox, it can be directly started up
again by immediately pressing the clutch
pedal. General notes
The system can interrupt the Start-Stop mode

or different reasons. The engine does not switch off

e the stopping phase, the system veri-
fies whether certain conditions are met. The
engine does not switch off, in the following
situations for example:
● The engine has not yet reached the mini-
mum required t
emperature for the Start-Stop
● The interior temperature selected for the air
conditioner ha
s not yet been reached.
● The interior temperature is very high/low.
● Defrost function button activated
 page 51.
● The parking aid* is switched on.
● The battery is very low.
● The steering wheel is overly turned or is be-
ing turned.
● If

there is a danger of misting.
● After engaging reverse gear.
● In case of a very steep gradient.
The indication  is
shown on the instrument
panel display, and in addition, the driver in-
formation system* shows, .
The engine starts by itself
During a stopping phase the normal Start-
Stop mode can be interrupted in the follow-
ing situations: The engine restarts by itself
without involvement from the driver. ●
The interior temper
ature differs from the
value selected on the air conditioner.
● Defrost function button activated
 page 51.
● The brake has been pressed several times
● The battery is too low.
● High power consumption. Note
In vehicles with an automatic gearbox, if the
select or l

ever is placed in position D, N or S
after engaging reverse gear, the vehicle must
be driven at a speed faster than 10 km/h (6
mph) for the system to return to conditions in
which the engine can be stopped. 204

Page 214 of 316


In comp l
ex driving situations, occasionally
the Front Assist may issue warnings and in-
tervene in braking unnecessarily, for example
at traffic islands.
● If the operation of the Front Assist is im-
paired, f
or example, by dirt or because the ra-
dar sensor has lost its settings, the system
may issue unnecessary warnings and inter-
vene inopportunely in the braking.
● The Front Assist does not react to animals
or vehic
les crossing your path or approaching
head-on down the same lane.
● The Front Assist does not react to pedes-
walking in the same direction or ap-
proaching head-on down the same lane.
● The driver must always be ready to take
over the c
ontrol of the vehicle. Note
● When the Front As

sist is connected, the in-
dications on the instrument panel screen may
be concealed by warnings from other func-
tions, such as an incoming call.
● When the Front Assist causes a braking,
the brake ped
al is “harder”.
● Automatic interventions by the Front Assist
on the brake
s may be interrupted by pressing
the clutch, accelerator or moving the wheel.
● The Front Assist may brake the vehicle until
it st
ops completely. However, the brake sys-
tem does not halt the vehicle permanently.
Use the foot brake! ●
If the Fr ont

Assist does not work as descri-
bed in this chapter (e.g. in intervenes several
times unnecessarily), switch it off. Have the
system checked by a specialised workshop.
SEAT recommends visiting a SEAT dealership. Radar sensor
Fig. 190
On the front bumper: radar sensor. A radar sensor is installed on the front bump-
er t
o det
ermine the tr

affic situation
››› Fig. 190 1 .
The r a

ar sensor's visibility may be impaired
by dirt, mud or snow, or by environmental in-
fluences such as rain or mist. In this case, the
Front Assist does not work. The instrument
panel displays the following message:
Front Assist: No sensor vision! If
necessary clean the radar sensor ››› .
When the r a

ar sensor begins to operate
properly again, the Front Assist will automati- cally be available again. The message will

pear from the instrument panel display.
Front Assist operation may be affected by a
strong radar reverse reflection. This may oc-
cur, for example, in a closed car park or due
to the presence of metallic objects (e.g. rails
on the road or sheets used in road works).
The area in front of and around the radar sen-
sor should not be covered with adhesives,
additional or similar headlights, as this may
negatively affect Front Assist operation.
If the front of the vehicle is not properly re-
paired or structural modifications are made
to it, for example if the suspension is low-
ered, Front Assist operation may be affected.
SEAT recommends visiting a SEAT dealership
for this purpose. CAUTION
If you have the sensation that the radar sen-
sor is d

amaged or has lost its settings, dis-
connect the Front Assist. This will avoid pos-
sible dangerous situations caused by a sys-
tem malfunction. If this occurs have it adjus-
● The sensor may become damaged or lose
its settin
gs when knocked, for example, dur-
ing a parking manoeuvre. This may compro-
mise the system's efficacy or disconnect it. 212

Page 216 of 316

Switching the Front Assist off tempo-
r ari
in the following situations In the following situations the Front Assist
d be de

activated due to the system's
● When the vehicle is to be towed.
● If the vehicle is on a test bed.
● When the radar sensor is damaged.
● If the radar sensor takes a heavy knock, for
le in a rear collision.
● If it intervenes several times unnecessarily.
● If the radar sensor is covered temporarily
with some k ind of

accessory, such as an ad-
ditional headlight or the like.
● When the vehicle is to be loaded on a lorry,
or train.
System limitations The Front Assist has certain physical limita-

ent to the system. Thus, in certain
circumstances, some of the system's reac-
tions may be inopportune from the driver's
standpoint. So pay attention in order to inter-
vene if necessary. The following conditions may cause the Front

st not to react or to do so too late:
● In the first few instants of driving after
hing on the ignition, due to the system’s
initial auto-calibration.
● On taking tight bends or complex paths.
● Pressing the accelerator all the way down.
● If the Front Assist is switched off or dam-
● If the ASR h

as been disconnected or the
ESC activ
ated in Sport mode manually
››› page 183.
● If the ESC is controlling.
● If several brake lights of the vehicle or elec-
connected trailer are damaged.
● If the radar sensor is dirty or covered.
● If there are metal objects, e.g. rails on the
d or sheets used in road works.
● If the vehicle is reversing.
● If the vehicle over-accelerates.
● In case of snow or heavy rain.
● In case of narrow vehicles, such as motor-
● Misaligned vehicles.
● Vehicles crossing the other's path.
● Vehicles approaching in the opposite direc-
tion. ●
al loads and accessories of other ve-
hicles that jut out over the sides, backwards
or over the top.
Adaptive Cruise Control ACC* Relat
ed video Fig. 192
Safety Introduction
Fig. 193
Detection area.214

Page 217 of 316

Driver assistance systems
The adaptive cruise control (ACC) is
an e xten-
sion of the normal cruise control system
(CCS) ››› .
The A C

function allows the driver to program
a cruise speed of between 30 and 210 km/h
(18 and 150 mph) and to select the distance
required with regard to the vehicle in front.
The ACC will adapt the vehicle's cruise speed
at all times, maintaining a safe distance with
the vehicle in front based on its speed.
When driving behind another vehicle, the
ACC function reduces speed until it is the
same as that of the vehicle ahead and main-
tains the set distance between the vehicles.
If the vehicle ahead accelerates, the adaptive
cruise control also accelerates, going no
higher than the target speed programmed.
If the vehicle is equipped with automatic
gearbox, the ACC can brake the vehicle until
it stops completely if a vehicle in front of it
The distance programmed should be in-
creased when the road surface is wet.
Driver intervention prompt
During driving, the ACC is subject to certain
limitations inherent in the system. In other
words, in certain circumstances the driver will
have to adjust speed him or herself, as well
as the distance from other vehicles. In this case, the instrument panel screen
you to intervene by applying the brake
and a warning tone will be heard
››› page 216. WARNING
The intelligent technology in the ACC cannot
ov er

come the system's inherent limitations
or change the laws of physics. If used negli-
gently or involuntarily, it may cause serious
accidents and injuries. The system is not a re-
placement for driver awareness.
● Adapt your speed and safe distance to the
e in front of you at all times to suit visi-
bility, weather, road and traffic conditions.
● Do not use the ACC when visibility is bad,
on steep r
oads, with several bends or in slip-
pery circumstances such as snow, ice, rain or
loose gravel, or on flooded roads.
● Never use the ACC when driving off-road or
on unpav
ed roads. The ACC has been de-
signed for use on paved roads only.
● The ACC does not react on approaching a
fixed o
bstacle, such as the tail of a traffic
jam, a damaged vehicle or a vehicle stopped
at the traffic lights.
● The ACC only reacts to people if a pedes-
trian monitorin
g system is available. In addi-
tion, the system does not react to animals or
vehicles crossing your path or approaching
head-on down the same lane.
● If the ACC does not reduce speed sufficient-
ly, brak
e the vehicle immediately by applying
the pedal. ●
If y

ou are driving using the spare wheel,
the ACC function could automatically switch
off during your journey. Switch off the system
when starting off.
● If the vehicle continues to move involuntar-
ily af
ter a driver intervention prompt, brake
the vehicle by applying the pedal.
● If the dash panel displays a driv
er interven-
tion prompt, adjust the distance yourself.
● The driver should be ready to accelerate or
brake b
y him/herself at all times. CAUTION
If you have the sensation that the radar sen-
sor is d

amaged, disconnect the ACC. This will
avoid possible damage. If this occurs have it
● Repairs to the radar sensor require special-
knowledge and special tools. SEAT recom-
mends visiting a SEAT dealership for this pur-
pose. Note
● If the A C

C system does not work as descri-
bed in this chapter, do not use it until it has
been checked by a specialised workshop.
SEAT recommends visiting a SEAT dealership
for this purpose.
● Maximum speed with the ACC activated is
limited to 210 km/h (150 mph). » 215
Technical data

Page 218 of 316


When the AC C
is switched on, strange
noises may be heard during automatic
braking cause by the braking system. Indications on the display, warning
and contr

l lampsFig. 194
On the instrument panel display: (A)

inactive (Standby). (B) ACC active. Status display

on the display ›››
Fig. 194: Vehicle ahead detected. ACC is not active
and is not

regulating your speed.
Distance from the vehicle ahead. ACC is
not active and is not regulating your dis-
Vehicle ahead detected. ACC is active and
is regulating your speed.
Distance level 2 set by the driver.
ACC is active and is regulating your dis-
tance based on speed.
Symbols on the instrument panel display
and control lamps.
››› in Warning symbols on page 122.

The speed reduction by the ACC to
maintain the distance from the vehi-
cle in front is not sufficient.
Brake! apply the foot brake! Driver intervention prompt.
The ACC is not currently available.
With the vehicle stationary, switch off the engine and
start it up again. Check the radar sensor visually
››› Fig. 195 (for dirt, ice or knocks). If it is still unavaila-
ble, refer to a specialised workshop to have the system
a) The symbol on the instrument panels with colour display is in
1 2
5 The ACC is active.
No vehicle is detected in front. The programmed speed
remains constant.

If the symbol is white: the ACC is ac-
A vehicle in front has been detected. The ACC adjusts
speed and distance from the vehicle in front.

If the symbol is grey: ACC is inactive
The system is switched on, but is not adjusting.

It lights up green:
The ACC is active.
Some warning and control lamps will light up
when the ignition i

switched on to
check certain functions. They will switch off
after a few seconds. WARNING
Observe the safety warnings ›››
in Warning
symbol s on p
age 122. Note
When the ACC is connected, the indications
on the ins trument

panel screen may be con-
cealed by warnings from other functions,
such as an incoming call. 216

Page 221 of 316

Driver assistance systems
In the Easy Connect system you can adjust
the di s
ance level that will be applied when
the ACC is connected using the  button
and the S
er a
sistance function
b utt
s ›››
 page 34.
Changing the driving profile
In vehicles with SEAT Drive Profile , the driving
profile selected can have an influence on the
ACC’s acceleration and braking behaviour
››› page 229.
In vehicles without SEAT Drive Profile , the be-
haviour of the ACC can also be affected by se-
lecting any of the following drive profiles in
the Easy Connect system:
● Normal
● Sport
● Eco
● Convenience
In this c
ase, you should access the ACC set-
tings using the  button and the
Driv er a

sistance >
C function buttons
› ›

 page 34.
The following conditions may lead the ACC
not to react:
● If the accelerator is pressed.
● If there is no gear engaged.
● If the ESC is controlling. ●
If the driver i
s not wearing his/her seat
● If several brake lights of the vehicle or elec-
connected trailer are damaged.
● If the vehicle is reversing.
● Driving faster than 210 km/h (150 mph).
Driver mes
 ACC not available
The system can no longer continue to guar-
antee safe vehicle detection and will be de-
activated. The sensor has lost its setting or is
damaged. Take the vehicle to a specialised
workshop and have the fault repaired.  ACC and Front Assist: cur-
rently not available. No sensor
This message will be displayed to the driver if
the radar sensor's vision is impaired due, for
example, to leaves, snow, heavy fog or dirt.
Clean the sensor ››› Fig. 195.
 ACC: currently not available.
Gradient too steep
The maximum road slope has been excee-
ded, hence safe ACC operation cannot be
guaranteed. The ACC cannot be switched on.  ACC: only available in D, S
or M
Select the D/S or M position on the selector
lever.  ACC: parking brake applied
is deactivated if the parking brake is
applied. The ACC is available once again after
the parking brake is released.
 ACC: currently not available.
Intervention of stability con-
The message for the driver is displayed when
the electronic stability control (ESC) inter-
venes. In this case, the ACC is automatically
switched off.  ACC: Take action!
The message for the driver is displayed if,
when the vehicle starts up on a hill with a
mild slope, the vehicle rolls back even al-
though the ACC is activated. Apply the brake
to stop the vehicle from moving/colliding
with another vehicle.  ACC: speed limit
The message for the driver is displayed if, in
vehicles with manual gearbox, the current
speed is too low for the ACC mode.
The speed to be stored must be at least
30 km/h (18 mph). The speed limiter
switches off if the speed falls below 20 km/h
(12 mph).  ACC: available as of the 2nd
gear »
Technical data

Page 224 of 316

When the ACC halts the vehicle (e.g. traffic
j am), the in
trument panel display shows the
ACC ready to start message. If the ve-
hicle ahead drives off again, the ACC will also
do so automatically.
If the vehicle ahead does not drive off again,
the vehicle can be kept indefinitely in the
ACC ready to start status by operating
the third lever repeatedly towards position 2
› ››
Fig. 196
or b
y pressing the brake pedal.
If the Press the brake message is shown
on the instrument panel, press the brake. If
you do not, an acoustic warning will be heard
and the ACC will switch to inactive mode
(Standby). At this point, the vehicle may be-
gin to move towards the stopped vehicle
ahead ››› .
Ov er

When the turn signal lights up before the ve-
hicle begins an overtaking manoeuvre, the
ACC accelerates the vehicle automatically
and thus reduces the distance from the vehi-
cle in front.
When the vehicle enters the overtaking lane,
if the ACC does not detect another vehicle in
front, it accelerates until it reaches the pro-
grammed speed and maintains it.
System acceleration can be interrupted at
any time by pressing the brake or moving the
third lever backwards ››› page 217. Driving through a bend
On entering or e

xiting bends, the radar sen-
sor may no longer determine the vehicle in
front or react to a vehicle in the adjacent lane
››› Fig. 199 A. In these situations the vehicle
may brake unnecessarily or fail to react to re-
act to the vehicle in front. In this case, the
driver has to intervene by accelerating or in-
terrupting the braking process by applying
the brake or pushing the third lever back-
wards ››› page 217.
Driving in tunnels
When driving through tunnels the radar sen-
sor may be limited. Switch off the ACC in tun-
Narrow or misaligned vehicles
The radar sensor can only detect narrow or
misaligned vehicles when they are within
range ››› Fig. 199 B. This applies particularly
to narrow vehicles such as motorbikes. In
these cases, you should brake as necessary.
Vehicles with special loads and accessories
Special loads and accessories of other vehi-
cles that jut out over the sides, backwards or
over the top may be out of the ACC's range.
Switch off the ACC when driving behind vehi-
cles with special loads and accessories or
when overtaking them. In these cases, you
should brake as necessary. Other vehicles changing lanes
es changing lanes a short distance
away from your own can only be detected
when they are within range of the sensors.
Consequently, the ACC will take longer to re-
act ››› Fig. 200 C. In these cases, you should
brake as necessary.
Stationary vehicles
The ACC does not detect stationary objects
while driving, such as traffic tails or damaged
If a vehicle detected by the ACC turns or
moves over and there is a stationary vehicle
in front of it, the ACC will not react to it
››› Fig. 200 D. In these cases, you should
brake as necessary.
Vehicles driving in the opposite direction
and vehicles crossing your path
The ACC does not react to vehicles approach-
ing from the opposite direction or vehicles
crossing your path.
Metal objects
Metal objects, e.g. rails on the road or sheets
used in road works, can confuse the radar
sensor and cause the ACC to react wrongly.

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